Monday, October 22, 2012

Burr's Visualization Bibliography

Here are some of the books that I've found to have great ideas about how to create good visuals:

Gordon MacKenzie - "Orbiting the giant hairball", 1996

Donald Hoffman - "Visual Intelligence", 1998

Card/Schneiderman, ed. - "Readings in information visualization", 1999

Edward Tufte - "Beautiful evidence", 2006; “The visual display of quantitative information", 2001; "Visual explanations", 1997; "Envisioning information" 1990

Garr Reynolds - "PresentationZen", 2008

Nancy Duarte - "Slide:ology", 2008 "Resonate", 2010

Segaran/Hammerbacher, ed. - "Beautiful data", 2009

Steele/Iliinsky, ed. - "Beautiful visualization", 2010

Stephen Few - "Now you SEE it", 2009

Nathan Yau - "Visualize this", 2011

To see an annotated mindmap of this bibliography, see my website at